A carrier class messaging solution with outstanding technical support, AXIGEN Service Provider Edition provides speed, security and reliability. Its failsafe, intelligent storage system helps you avoid any interruption of service or loss of data. It offers smooth, automatic migration from any third party mail server and helps you build appealing solutions for your customer base, at highly competitive prices. AXIGEN runs on major Linux distributions (Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu etc), BSD, Solaris. It offers (E)SMTP, IMAP4, POP3 and WebMail services, List Server, advanced logging/reporting, centralized Web/CLI administration. Clustering support (for large scale solutions) -Multi-tier setup (front-end & back-end servers) -High availability (RHCS integration) -LDAP authentication & routing -Account classes -Delegated administration LDAP integration & synchronization (ActiveDirectory, OpenLDAP) -2-Way synchronization (account & group creation/deletion etc) -Simple way to centrally manage customer account settings and deploy centralized security policies AXIGEN GrowSecure: -Integration with over 15 AntiVirus/AntiSpam applications -Authentication, Encryption -SPF & DomainKeys -Anti Impersonation -Blacklists/Whitelists -Country Filtering AXIGEN UltraStorage: -Indexed data structure -Single storage of emails sent to multiple recipients Plus: Automatic Migration; Backup & Restore WebMail Interfaces: -Standard (skinnable & multilanguage, RPOP, temporary email addresses) -Desktop-like, Ajax-based (keyboard navigation, drag & drop, advertising capabilities) -Mobile Available add-ons: -Groupware (shared folders, permissions), Personal Organizer (Calendar/Journal/Tasks/Notes; iCal support) -Push Email & PIM Synchronization via ActiveSync® connector; for BlackBerry® smart phones through the NotifySync™ client -Commtouch Real Time AntiSpam Protection -AVG AntiVirus and AntiSpam for Linux/FreeBSD.