actiTIME Extended

Project Management


Once you start using actiTIME Extended you’ll easily improve work productivity and increase the efficiency of business processes. Look at some of the features that help you to maximize profitability of your business: (1) Registration of time expenses: Clear and simple way to register worked hours of the current or past week. In addition, detailed comments can be added to the entered time. (2) Task, project, and customer management: Three-level hierarchy: tasks are united into projects; projects are linked to customers; (3) Locking Time-Track: "Lock" submitted time-tracking entries from further changes to avoid situations when users edit their data after it has been used for billing, etc. (4) Flexible time (overtime) reports: Several different time expenses and over-/undertime reports can be generated based on the particular requirements of your organization; (5) Customer billing: Custom billing types for tasks: billable and non-billable. Full-featured time-tracking software is available for unlimited number of users. Pay once and get powerful suite of time-tracking and reporting functionalities with forever permanent license.

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