Add refined procedures for solving and performing sensitivity analysis on uni and multi dimensional, local or global optimization problems which may or may not have constraints; to your .NET and COM Applications. Specialized Simplex Linear programming algorithm, including sensitivity analysis with respect to object functions coefficients or linear boundaries using a duality or direct approach. This suite includes the following features: Local UniDimensional -18 Distinct Algorithms involving different Location and Bracketing Algorithms. Bracketing: Acceleration, Parabolic extrapolation; Locate: Parabolic interpolation, Linear, Brent, Cubic interpolation. Global UniDimensional - Accurate high level algorithms for continuous and derivable object functions. Local MultiDimensional - General Functions: Downhill simplex method of Nelder and Mead, Powell's method, Derivable functions: Steepest descent, Fletcher-Reeves, Polak-Riviere, Fletcher-Powell, Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno Global Multidimensional - Simulated annealing technique applied to local algorithm. Constrained optimization - Linear: Rosen's gradient projection algorithm Linear programming - Simplex algorithm, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis This product also has the following technology aspects: 2-in-1: .NET and COM - Two DLLs, Two API Docs, Two sets of Client Examples all in 1 product. Offering a 1st class .NET and COM product implementation. Extensive Client Examples - Multiple client examples including C# , VB.NET and C++.NET examples Compatible Containers - Visual Studio 6 (incl. Visual Basic 6, Visual C++ 6), Visual Studio .NET (incl. Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# .NET, and Visual C++.NET), Borland's C++ Builder (incl. C++Builder, C++BuilderX, C++ 2005), Borland Delphi 3 - 2005, Office 97/2000/XP/2003.