
Stock and Portfolio Tools


All in one stock research solution, customizable and easy to use, save you time & money doing stock research online. The advanced charting allows you to show 3 charts for one stock on one page or show 8 different stock’s charts on one page. You can capture any chart image on screen and perform trend line, support & resistance analysis. The advanced watchlist management includes index component watchlist (drug, bank, semi), market activity watchlist (leader, gainer, loser), scan-result watchlist (stock screen), you can refresh all those watchlist with just a single click, you can also import stock symbols from web into your own watchlist in one click. You can download free historical quotes from Yahoo, you can setup link library to provide one click access to your favorite chart or predefined scan result, you can ask software to block those annoying popup windows, so you can concentrate on your work. With lots of advanced features included, this is an essential tool for all type of investors.

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