
Misc Applications


ShapeBook is the ultimate structural steel reference tool for professionals and students who use the detailing dimensions and design properties of structural steel in their work. ShapeBook contains the data for 2,520 shapes from AISC's LRFD Manual of Steel Construction, 2nd Edition. US and Metric units are supported and there is a cross reference tool. ShapeBook 2.0 with the 2D3DSteel add-on is a tool for drawing steel in AutoCAD R14, 2000, & 2000i. Any of the shapes available in ShapeBook can be quickly added to your AutoCAD drawings. 2D3DSteel draws 2D cross sections, 2D web views, 2D plan views, and 3D solids to exact detailing dimensions, or with thickness exaggerated. ShapeBook 2.0 includes a working demo of 2D3DSteel 1.0.

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