SMS Studio Demo

Misc Applications


Stand-alone SMS software that gives you the power to create your own SMS gateway, SMS server or SMS router, and also run and distribute various SMS events and services, such as SMS Voting, SMS TV Chat, SMS Info, SMS Survey, SMS Quiz, etc. SMS Studio is capable of using various SMS protocols (SMPP, HTTP, ODBC, CSP, GSM AT, Nokia FBUS, etc.) for exchanging SMS messages with a wide range of SMS gateway entities (SMS center, SMS server, SMS router), client SMS applications and mobile devices. With SMS Studio you actually obtain completely stand-alone communication system. All you need is an SMS gateway account or a mobile device attached to your computer and you are ready to start. In order to process SMS messages and help you create attractive SMS events, SMS Studio has a number of built-in services: - Voting Service - enables you to make various types of interactive SMS voting events - surveys, opinion polls, quizzes, etc. - TV Chat Service - enables you to create interactive events by displaying SMS messages on a screen device. - Routing Service - enables you to use SMS Studio as an SMS gateway or router by allowing you to route messages between your clients. Visit for more.


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