Pricelist Analyser

Stock and Portfolio Tools


Tired of spending hours each month to update your products and prices manually into your computer systems, with the risk of making costly errors? Dissappointed by the very basic import-module of your own ERP-system? From now on, Pricelist Analyser will take over this time-consuming task. In a user-friendly "step-by-step approach" our product will process all your pricelists, regardless of the way they are built up. Excel, csv, text, XML or plain HTML, multiple lines, headers, etc. Pricelist Analyser will parse and interprete them all in a matter of seconds, resulting in a uniform outputformat of your preference. Key Features: Extremely fast tool to process and analyse your pricelists. Immediate outline of which products are new, have a discount or have a price raise. Several output formats, to allow an easy transfer to your own computer systems,databases and applications. No duplicate records. Ability to use your own product groups.

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