MS Word Document File Properties Changer

MS Office Add-ins


MS Word Document File Properties Changer is an application that will help you to view and modify the Microsoft Office Word document file properties such as summary information, file date-time stamps and file attributes. You can view and modify Summary Information, include: Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, Catagory, Source, Revision Number, Last Saved By, Manager, Company, Create Time/Date, Last saved Time/Date, Total Editing Time, Last Printed You can view and modify file date-time stamps, include: Created Time, Modify Time, Last Access Time You can view and modify file attributes,include: Read-only, Archive, Hidden, Not in Content index You can change the properties in statistics bar in MS office Word through changing the properties above. MS Word Document File Properties Changer does not require any version of Microsoft Office Word installed in your computer. MS Word Document File Properties Changer supports Microsoft Office Word documents from 1997 to 2007. MS Word Document File Properties Changer can modify Microsoft Office Word document file properties in single and batch mode. Please viste for detail.


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