To help businesses to save energy, Energy Lens makes it easy to analyze energy data in Excel. Businesses can save energy by using Energy Lens to find waste and to track changes in their energy performance (to see if they are becoming more efficient as time goes on). By taking advantage of the interval energy data that's readily available to most commercial and industrial buildings (e.g. half-hourly data, 15-minute data), Energy Lens can usually bring significant cost-savings with minimal effort. It's a highly effective energy-management solution for businesses, and a powerful data-analysis tool for energy professionals. Energy Lens deals with a range of interval data: 10-minute data, 15-minute data, 20-minute data, half-hourly data, and hourly data are all catered for. Buildings with modern metering can obtain this data from their energy supplier (utility company), or from their in-house metering system. When analyzed with Energy Lens, such interval data can bring a tremendous insight into a building's energy consumption. It's energy management made easy!