Visual studio quality center in title

A little Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio 97 that lets you easily maintain the user defined keywords that are stored in your usertype.dat file. It...

HTML Help Generator for Visual Studio 2005 creates context sensitive HTML Help for your applications in seconds. Features HTML page and image...

A simpler method for inserting a GUID's into Source code (No Clipboard Needed). Inserts it directily into source file.

A port of the Gnu tool GPerf. GPerf is a perfect hash function generator written in C++. It transforms an n element user-specified keyword set W into...

Open files by incrementally matching them workspace- wide. Workspace-wide header/source swapping. Incremental tag matching. Auto completion of tags...

Visual studio quality center in description


J. River, Inc.

Complete media solution for extensive libraries. Organize, play, tag all types of media files. Rip, Burn, serve to Xbox, PS3, UPnP, DLNA, TiVo. ...

VizUp Reducer Enterprise is designed for commercial use in companies, and professional design studios. The product allows you to achieve the finest...

JRiver Media Center

JRiver, Inc.

Complete media solution for extensive libraries. Organize, play, tag all types of media files. Rip, Burn, serve to Xbox, PS3, UPnP, DLNA, TiVo. ...

devMetrics 1.0: Free C# Software Metrics

Anticipating Minds, Inc.

Measures Software metrics provide you with the ability to identify potentially problematic areas of code. Using measures related to size, complexity...

EaseSoft .NET Barcode Windows Form Controls is full design-time and run-time support. it can save Barcode to any kind of Bitmap Image which .Net...

GdImageBox Pro ActiveX is an Image Viewer which supports many image formats like tiff, multi-page tiff, gif, animated gif, jpeg, png, wmf, wbmp...

ASP.NET ImageDraw


A set of server controls (ImageDraw, ImageDrawButton, and ImageDrawMap) which generate real time on-fly Dynamic Composite Images for ASP.NET. Deliver...

This download contains DivX Pro, the professional version of DivX video software. DivX Pro includes all the software needed to create and watch video...

SecureBlackbox (.NET)

EldoS Corporation

SecureBlackbox (.NET edition) is the comprehensive component collection for Internet security. SecureBlackbox is split to several packages: *...

Xceed Zip for .NET

Hart Gina

Xceed Zip for .NET is a data compression and all-purpose file manipulation class library for the Microsoft .NET framework. It provides flexible zip...


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