Very young boy pix in title

Monkey Boy 2

Joseph Carmer

Marvin Monkey was bitten by a radioactive boy! Nowhe's Monkey Boy, defender of...stuff. His friends, however are skeptical. Help Monkey Boy...

Eggy boy

Vikas Jaiswal

Eggy Boy is surprisingly addictive game. Help and control Eggy Boy as he searches his home where his family and friends reside. The game Eggy boy has...


Xequte Software

EZ-Pix is fast, highly functional viewer with support for all common image formats. It has an streamlined interface and is simple to use. Despite...

Smart Pix Manager

Xequte Software

Smart Pix Manager is a leading solution for the management and viewing of all common image, multimedia (AVI, MPEG, MP3, etc), Office, text and web...

Private Pix

Silvio Kuczynski

Private Pix utilizes new technologies to keep your pictures and movies safe while keeping them password protected and encrypted. Advanced security...

Very young boy pix in description


Dave Dobson

Snood is a fun puzzle game that tests your intellect rather than your reflexes. Your goal is to free all the trapped Snoods by launching other Snoods...



Have you heard all the buzz? It’s about Adventuria – a new and extremely popular non-violent game kids and their parents...

Prehistoric Baccarat

You will be very surprised, when you discover that the games of chance appeared in the prehistoric age. That was this way. Many years ago the Earth...

AmiWeb, the safe and customizable browser, brings the very best educational and entertaining web sites to children ages 4 to 11. Completely free...

AmiWeb, the safe and customizable browser, brings the very best educational and entertaining web sites to children ages 4 to 11. Completely free...

Loonyland: Halloween Hill

Hamumu Software

It is 1811, and Loony Lunatic is just a young boy, exploring the wilderness of Bulgaria. This is the tale of his first adventure, a trip to a little...



QuadroX is a program that really requires you to think outside the box. It's an interesting game that's roughly similar to one you might...

Squazzle - The Sliding Squares Puzzle

Facet Software Development

The Sliding Squares Puzzle is a puzzle for all the familty, from very youngl people (4-piece) puzzles to 9-piece and 16-piecepuzzles for the more...

- Study English Talking Picture Dictionary with Native Speaking Pronounciation for Kids. - - Include Animals, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Food,...

MakeFaces was designed to allow children to have fun making faces on your PocketPC. It's a handy way of keeping them entertained at restaurants,...


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