Sampling for payroll on excel in title

Recovery for Excel

Recoveronix Ltd.

Recovery for Excel fixes corrupted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (.XLS). Unfortunately, bad floppies and corrupted file systems pop up and...

Checkbook for Excel

DJI Computer Solutions

Checkbook for Excel is a custom personal finance application written for Microsoft Excel. It provides all the necessary features for managing your...

Help Generator for Microsoft Excel lets you document your Excel spreadsheet applications in a productive way. It generates topic pages with...

Excel Class for .NET

Frank Kusluski

Excel Class .NET is a powerful .NET component with over two hundred useful functions to assist in exchanging data between Excel and .NET and much...

Opti-Calc for Excel

J & E Research, Inc.

The latest version of our option pricing and analysis system for Excel. It calculates prices, risk parameters and implied volatilities using the...

Sampling for payroll on excel in description

An addin program for Microsoft Excel version 7.0 or higher (Excel for Windows 95, Excel 97 and Excel 2000). This addin includes the following...

Project Planning and Management

Business Spreadsheets - Excel Templates

The Excel Project Planning and Management template is designed as a generic and affordable Excel based solution to plan and manage any project. The...

Shopping cart software & e-commerce solution RapidShop

Shopping cart software & e-commerce solution RapidShop

Turn-key eCommerce powered by quick and simple, clean HTML + JavaScript shopping cart and product catalog generated for you by Excel 2000/2003-based...

Project TimeClock

Chad Capps

Excellant Project, Task, or DayCare TimeClock. Keepstrack of time spent on tasks. Tasks can be grouped.Each task can have its own Charge amount...

Loto Excel Universal

Louis Payras

Loto Excel Universal is a new generation product applied to all the lotteries throughout the world drawing six numbers and a bonus. Thanks to its...

LiveProject is the number one project viewer choice for companies on the market today. You'll get a project viewer that opens Microsoft Project...

Amazing Squares

Novastorm Entertainment

This is a new version of the classic "falling block" game. This version boosts two different playmodes. Standard and psycho. In psycho mode...

Wondershare Photo2DVD Studio

Wondershare Software

Photo2DVD Studio is an absolutely powerful yet easy-to-use tool to create stunning slideshows with your digital photos for display on TV. Whether you...

Right PDF Printer 3.0.1 [Simple Edition] Software Development

Right PDF Printer 3.0 (Simple Mode) is a printer driver that installs on your desktop computer and allows creating PDF files from any application...

4TOPS Excel Import Assistant is an excel import utility for all your access excel import needs. Use it to import excel to access in a controlled way....


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