Moos mpp rapidshare in title

Magnificent Moose

Wilderness Inspirations®

Wildlife Screen Savers With Personality(tm) feature 40 engaging photos and tranquil MP3 music. These majestic, often comical giants are featured at...

Rapidshare Search Tool is an unique desktop software which enable you to search Share links on the Web with minimal effort. You can easily search for...

Moos mpp rapidshare in description

MP3 Audio Converter

EZ SoftMagic, Inc

MP3 Audio Converter is a very useful tool to convert MPEG files (*.mp3, *.mpa), Windows Media Audio files (*.wma, *.asf), Apple Lossless files...



A very flexible cash flow generator as add-in for Microsoft Excel version 7.0 (95), 8.0 (97) for Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and Microsoft Windows NT...

Smartworks project planner

Accord software & systems

Project Planner-PE 4.5, lets you track and manage your projects in the way you had always wanted. It offers you several views ( Gantt, Network...

Moose is living happily on a small paradise island with his parents, the King and Queen of Zipland. The island is held together by a large zipper....


TallStick Software

TS-AudioToMIDI performs automated recognition of polyphonic music, stored in MP1, MP2, MP3, MPP, MPA, AIF, SND, AU, WAVE formats as well as audio CD...

Audio To Midi


Audio To MIDI creates MIDI sequences from WAV/MP3/CD tracks, also in realtime. Audio To MIDI performs automated recognition of polyphonic music...



Got a music collection with hundreds of poorly labeled mp3 files? Like having complete information about your music files - album, performer, genre...

MP3 CD Ripper

EZ SoftMagic, Inc

MP3 CD Ripper is a very useful CD ripper software. It builds CD Ripper and Audio Converter in one - you can easily rip your favorite audio CD...

Data File Repair

File Repair Inc.

Password-Protected & Corrupt or Damaged File Data Repair and Recovery Service We can recover passwords from files of most formats. We can...

Passion Audio Player

George Boudouris

The Audio Player for those who have passion with PCs and Music. It uses the BASS API by It's Main features Are: 1 ....


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