Enables you to keep your cash or bank account up-to-date, plus expenses and deposits are grouped under separate categories. The Cash-Book, which...
Freeware 2.56 MB Download
INI component reads and writes Windows style INI files. It provides a comprehensive set of functions making INI files a powerful way to store...
Freeware 1.17 MB Download
accounting/bookkeepingA simple solution to small-business accounting/bookkeeping Review the sample accounts then use the handy wizard to set up your own income and...
Commercial 4.16 MB Download
The Invoice Store is a complete Invoicing, POS, Estimating and Customer Tracking software product for the small business. Perfect for any mailorder,...
Commercial 944 KB Download
The Video Store is a complete POS system for the video rental business. Perfect for any business that does rentals or sales such as a video store. ...
Commercial 931 KB Download
Comersus is a sophisticated e-commerce system resulting from research and experience accumulated through years of work in electronic commerce...
Freeware 1.91 MB Download
eBook Reader for The Nokia 9300 / 9500 is a viewer and organizer for electronic books. With eBook Reader you can download, and read eBooks from...
Commercial 359.69 KB Download
FastSMS III is a simple, reliable tool for Short Message Service (SMS). This program sends text messages to the cell phones of any subscribers whose...
Commercial 884 KB Download
A system tray based PIM with Internet and Network calibration features. Yellow Sticky! is a lot more than a typical sticky notes program. This free...
555 KB Download
MS SQL Server 7.0/2000 Extended Stored Procedure component for Delphi 5,6,7. Write Extended Stored Procedures for Microsoft SQL Server with ease:...
Commercial 89.4 KB Download
This is a new facility in the form of a configurable social bookmarking plug-in that can be easily incorporated into any website irrespective of the...
Freeware 7.8 KB Download
An easier, faster and unique way to navigate and shop on the Web by just a point-and-click. It can manage a large number of URLs and display them as...
458 KB Download
An easier, faster and unique way to navigate and shop on the Web by just a point-and-click. It can manage a large number of URLs and display them as...
458 KB Download
* Supported control over input/output procedure parameters. * Supported returning of arbitrary number of recordsets. * Parameters and Fields can...
Commercial 89.4 KB Download
Gnostice PDFtoolkit is a powerful component set for Microsoft Visual Studio and Visual Studio .NET, and Borland Delphi to manage, manipulate...
Commercial 9.4 MB Download