Find out how much money you have at the end of eachmonth. What percentage is spent on each item, when each bill is due. Can afford new montly...
Commercial 4.25 MB Download
Win32 application to manage SQLite3 database. Development tool for managing all database objects (tables, views, indexes, triggers). -...
Commercial 4.68 MB Download
Blocks Spam from your Inbox. Spam Blackout is safe and easy-to-use. Powerful Spam Filtering Engine. Works with Any Email Client Program e.g. Ms...
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Internet email client that can send email anonymouslyand can also send anonymously to news groups.Includes the loading and saving of profile...
665.19 KB Download
Shareaza Faster Downloads is a potent add-on to Shareaza P2P application. Most modern technology used augment download speed and enlarges the amount...
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GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP/Lotus is a server based anti-spam, anti-phishing and email management solution used by 80,000 customers...
Commercial 173.06 MB Download
Zabugorie: the Fairy Planet is a fun and colorful adventure game, which is loyal to classical adventure spirit. You are to explore fantasyland, solve...
Commercial 26.24 MB Download
Visual Stock Options Analyzer (VOptions) is a powerful analysis tool for development, testing, and application of stock and options strategies. Its...
Commercial 5.75 MB Download
You may downloads hundreds of files from the Internet,or you may have taken pictures whith a digital camera. After a while, it gets nearly impossible...
Commercial 1001 KB Download
VideoPad is a free video editing software for Windows. This program lets you edit video and movies. This video editing application allows you to...
Freeware 3.76 MB Download
ThumbGal / Kazaa Porn Downloader is a program that instantly downloads thousands upon thousands of porn pics and movies by harvesting them from...
Commercial 500 KB Download
One of the most conspicuous features of Ruff-Ftp is it's ergonomy and simple structure. These features makes Ruff-FTP to one of the most...
Commercial 4.67 MB Download
EnoLogic NetFilter Home is a new reliable parental control application that protects your children against online pornography, chat, violence...
Commercial 14.83 MB Download
Wysigot is the browser that monitors any site or any file anywhere (web, ftp, LAN, local). With its powerful tools for capturing, updating, sorting...
Freeware 2.17 MB Download
Delete junk mail (spam, virus, trojan, and e-mails with big attachments) fast and easily. If your connection is slow (dial-up, GPRS, etc) or you have...
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