Find out how much money you have at the end of eachmonth. What percentage is spent on each item, when each bill is due. Can afford new montly...
Commercial 4.25 MB Download
The Minigolf, an immensely popular game for one or two players, is a clever combination of luck and fun game that brings you hours of game on many...
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Make sense of large volumes of data by creating 3D virtual reality charts. Create scenes and allow users to modify the view to create an interactive...
Commercial 4.39 MB Download
Cuckoo Clock 3D is a wonderfully crafted deep forest fantasy, that recreates a scene from a fairytale right on your Windows desktop. When you give...
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HTML Email Merge, Text Email Merge, Merged Word DOC attachment (w/auto generated cover email) merge, Fax Merge and Mail Merge ACT! Add-on. Perform...
Commercial 5.05 MB Download
Program for making big posters, signs, and banners. Posters can be up to 9 feet by 9 feet at 300 DPI. Poster combines the best features of...
Commercial 1.01 MB Download
Are you tired of copy/paste operations? Is the PC the only way to make spreadsheet graphics? PDAGraphiX2 does it for you. New features Scatter...
Commercial 1.06 KB Download
series"LOST"The Cerberus Incident is not affiliated with the television series"LOST" Any similarity is purely unintentional. That being said, ... you...
Commercial 6.37 MB Download
Have you ever dreamed of getting a chance to see the rings of Saturn, the distant Pluto, the Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Mars and of course the mother...
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Egyptian BlackJack favourably differs from other games with unique graphics and unusual color scetch. With Egyptian BlackJack you will transfer into...
Freeware 1.71 MB Download
You're John Blake and you're mission is to fly to theInfinite Expanse and grab some sample high energyyield Corbamite ore for use in new...
Commercial 7.48 MB Download
Eat all the points and avoid the ghosts. To eat the ghosts, eat the big points. Once all the points have been eaten, the level is finished.
Freeware 392 KB Download
At first glance it looks like a pleasant wooded glade. Little do you know, you have ventured into the Forbidden Forest! Enter the forbidden forest...
Commercial 11.45 MB Download
An arcade-style game for Windows much akin to the arcade favorite Pac-Man, but with a great twist. All objects in the game are 3-Dimensional. Not...
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Pac-Man is back with a New Millennium face lift. Prepare yourself for over 60 Unique 3D Worlds including Donkey Kong Country and Bonus Levels. Choose...
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