By popular request, the vertical version of the Easy Image Gallery has been released, with a few improvements. The gallery was designed to be used embedded in HTML or standalone. There can be an unlimited number of pictures. It is dynamic, XML driven and you can set the image title and description that will appear at the top/bottom, the address of the image and the address of the thumbnail. Unlimited description text because of smooth text scroller. Includes all sources (.fla, .as, .psd), help file (.rtf) and preview (.swf, .xml, .html, .jpg, .js). The animations used were built on the scene and you can easily change either the loading animation or the image's animation. You can change the colors/gradients/text fonts by editing the library items. Among the key features : - Unlimited number of pictures - Image tite/description, unlimited text for description, html formatted - Smooth scrolling, nice loading animation and transition effects - Fairly easy to resize and customize in the FLA with minimal/medium knowledge of flash.