Banner Rotator XML v2

Web Authoring
Misc Web Authoring Tools


XML driven flash banner rotator / product showcase. Features included: * XML driven flash image / picture / photo banner rotator / product showcase * Displays JPG images, GIF images, PNG images and SWF files * All data can be changed in the XML file * Supports multiple banners, can display swf and / or image files. * Time period for each banner is set in the XML file (second based). * Timer clock to display elapsed time period * Image names / paths set in XML file * URL links & targets for each banner when pressed set in XML file. * Rounded corner radius for soften edges * You can show / hide buttons * You can change buttons position to "left | center | right" at the bottom via XML * You can set image order random from XML (randomize="true") * Content font, background alpha set in XML. You can set bg alpha 0 for transparent texts * You can show content texts when item loaded by setting showContentOnStart="true" from XML * Supports HTML formatting * Includes a html swfObject embed example with parameters * Help file is included


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