2 in 1 Thumb Scroller

Web Authoring
Misc Web Authoring Tools


ABOUT THE PREVIEW The above preview features the thumbs scroller widget as it appears in both horizontal and vertical orientations. Roll over the scrollers to see them in action. FEATURES AT A GLANCE. Drag, Drop, Resize and Scroll. By default, the component automatically determines scroll direction based on the dimensions you set via IDE (for instances dragged and sized on stage) or by the "maskWidth" and "maskHeight" properties set via XML. If you size the component so that its width is greater than its height, it scrolls horizontally. If its height is greater it scrolls vertically. You also have the option to force scrolling in a specific direction overriding the default behavior. In addition, thumbs are scaled proportionally regardless of dimension to fit either the width or height of the component depending on scroll direction. Progressive Motion Blur. You have the option to enable motion blur on the thumbs as they scroll. The faster the thumbs scroll the more they blur. Blur direction is automatically inferred from scroll direction. Thumb Border and Colorize Roll-Over Effects. You can enable a border to frame the thumb with the option to set its color, thickness and whether or not to animate it. Enable grayscale-to-color tween effect on thumb roll over.


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