
Anti-Virus Utilities


Can't delete virus ? Try Virus Deleter! A powerful program that can delete every file. Only need one reboot. Just this easy. Also can prevent virus files from being recreated. You might have come upon this problem during scans for viruses and Trojans on your system. A malicious file was identified by your favorite virus scanner but however it is not possible to delete it. Or with a success delete, later this malicious file came back again. At this moment, you can use Virus Deleter. It can delete files which currently in use. Because in next reboot, virus deleter boot up earlier then most malware. If there are annoying malicious files keep being created, virus scanner scan and delete them every time. You can delete those malicious files with Virus Deleter, remember check the Immunity box, this can prevent those malicious files from being recreated.

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