The most convenient and comprenhesive Spanish-English / English-Spanish dictionary for your Palm. This is a professional grade dictionary for use in education, translation, and business. It includes over 300,000 indexed entries, including thousands of technical and colloquial terms, idiomatic expressions, and more. Useful for reading, writing and translating. Version 6.0 adds vastly enhanced databases, stemming (recognition of conjugated and other inflected forms) for most languages, is customizable, has a multi-lingual interface, supports multiple language databases in a single interface, improved display, allows you to launch "find" from within other applications, and much, much more! Featuring: - 300,000 entries - Automatic verb conjugations, including compound tenses - Technical, literary, slang terms - Thousands of idiomatic expressions - Contextual indicators - Multilingual interface - Add / modify personal entries - Number translator - A choice of stemmed search or browsing search - Secondary translation feature, for convenience - Search history, to retrace your steps - Search for words from within other applications (via system-wide Find) - Supports VFS (memory cards, etc.)