Tessera Password Generator

Password Management Utilities


Tessera was a small tablet of wood, bone, or ivory used by the ancient Romans as a means of identification. In the current times, passwords are a means of identification. Tessera Password Generator is the modern way of generating identification in the form of passwords. Tessera Password Generator is a fast, efficient and very powerful application capable of generating up to 2147483647 passwords ranging from 4 to 128 characters long. Tessera password generator simplifies the process of generating highly customizable passwords with a single mouse click. Tessera Password Generator uses a clean interface with clearly marked options for the user. It features options for choosing letters, both uppercase (A, B, C,...) and lowercase (a, b, c,...), numbers (1, 2, 3,...), special characters (~, !, @,...) and user defined characters (©, ®,...). It also features characters to omit for example blanks, similar looking characters (1, I, |, l, 0, o, O, `, ', B, 8), duplicate passwords and user defined characters. Tessera uses a random seed to initiate the generating of characters. This is to avoid pattern detection and a possibility of compromising the passwords by replication. It uses advance forecasting to predict the number of possible passwords that can be generated from the user input provided duplicate passwords are not wanted. Tessera also features quick and useful functions for example the common clipboard controls (cut, copy, paste), search and replace functionality print and save to file (plain text, word, Excel or HTML documents) depending on the individuals choice. With all these and many more different configuration options available to the user, different kinds of passwords can be generated with ease. It also offers some convenient and easy to use features like Font Options (Size, Type, Color, Alignment), a Toolbar with all the above options and a dynamic progress bar displaying the current status.

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