Relative Rev Backup for Server

Automation Utilities


Unattended, Incremental Disk Backup, with Backup Version Manager Relative Rev Backup creates an archive of file-level incremental backup revisions. Unlike other incremental backup software, it will instantly restore any single file or folder that had been unnoticeably lost or corrupted for many days or months, as if it is recovered from a full backup. Relative Rev Backup technology keeps a predetermined number of daily weekly and monthly versions, without needing to multiply the backup space as other backup solutions. This powerful yet intuitive to use software enables unattended and cost effective backup. It will significantly reduce the backup process’ impact on network and computers, as it takes a full backup only at the very first session, copying a single instance of any file. To allow for unattended operation, it will keep the backup space from exploding by automatically cleaning out expired backup generations according to pre-configured schedule. For increased survivability and offsite storage, Relative Rev Backup can backup into two or more backup disks in rotation, each containing months of backup history (without multiplying the disk space). Relative Rev Backup supports registry, and boot files backup, through automation of the System State backup.


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