Registry Key Backup

Backup and Copy Utilities


A little utility to help you to back up your registry keys. This is not just another 'repair tool' that copies your registry files to a floppy disk. It allows you to select a key or more and save it to a *.reg file, so you can restore it later by double-clicking on this file. For example you may need to store your Outlook Express settings, then you need to go to the registry keySOFTWAREMicrosoftOutlook Express with WindowsRegistry Editor and export this branch into a disk file (*.reg). Since settings are below both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE keys, you need to scroll worth and back and this is not very funny to do (every day:) But with this program you can make a list of items that should be saved with a click of mouse. You can have many entries (each entry will be saved into a seperate *.reg file) and each entry can contain any number of registry keys to save. Justrun the program to see what is it all about.


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