PST Fix Tool

File Maintenance and Repair Utilities


Microsoft Outlook is popular email client software and it uses a data file called Personal Storage Table (.pst) to manage outlook information like email, calendar entries, contacts, notes, tasks, journals etc. In case your .pst file gets corrupted and all file items become inaccessible, causing blocked communication leading to loss of time and data. PST Fix tool will come to rescue in these situations. The software uses advanced scanning algorithm to successfully repair PST file and make all file components accessible. PST Fix tool to fix email software tool uses quick algorithm for searching and restoring lost or deleted mails and hence is a fast, simple and easy to use mails data recovery software, which helps you recover your lost emails in minutes in case of data loss disasters. The demo version recovers Outlook emails from the corrupt PST files but does not save them. To recover the entire MS Outlook .PST files get the full licensed version only at $49 & get all your corrupt or damaged PST files along with its details back.


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