PDF password protection is one of the essential feature for the PDF authors to stop unwanted access to PDF documents. But sometimes it turned into a punishment for the users who have all the legal and thel administrative rights to use the PDF in a way they want to but could not due to password protection. To handle these situation we have a tool named 'PDF Unlock', which can unlock a PDF from password protection in just few seconds and enable a PDF user to print edit, copy, and extract content of a locked PDF file easily. Here are the quick steps to use this tool to unlock a password protected PDF file: 1. Download and install the program on your PC and launch it 2. Import the secured PDF file that you want to edit 3. Select the destination and click on 'Unlock PDF' and you're done. After performing above steps user will be able to get rid from every single password protection imposed on a PDF file due to owner password. It's an advance PDF Unlocker tool that offers high decryption speed while the password from locked PDF file without hampering the file formatting and other information contained in PDF file. It is one of the best PDF Unlocker available in a market that supports the most up to date 256-bit AES encryption imposed by Adobe Acrobat X. It is a standalone utility that can be easily run on any Window OS including Windows 7 and Vista. Download a free copy now to Unlock a PDF file, now.