PC Record

Misc Utilities


PC Record is a security tool that allows you to monitor your PC EVERY single minute it is turned on! This application makes a virtual copy of EXACTLY what is on the screen at time intervals that YOU decide. You can view these 'snapshots' quickly and easily with the PC Record Viewer (included) which utilises a thumbnail system for faster browsing. But here's the best part - PC Record runs 'invisibly' - in other words nobody will know that they are being monitored. Keep your kids safe online AND offline : Do your children use online chat rooms or forums? Are you curious as to what they say to strangers, and more importantly what those strangers are saying to them? PC Record allows you to monitor their activities AND THEY WILL NEVER KNOW! Have the kids been looking at 'adult' content? This product does not just record text. You will get to see EXACTLY what they saw when they used the PC. Were they REALLY doing homework when they were supposed to? PC record tells you the exact DATE/TIME of every 'snapshot' taken, so you'll know what was happening AND when. Who are they e-mailing? What are they writing? PC Record will show you EVERYTHING including names, addresses, message content, pictures, and in some cases even passwords. What are they buying? Whos money are they spending? Let PC Record show you. Are they visiting 'forbidden' websites? PC Record shows you the address AND the exact content they were viewing! Still not convinced? Unsure about 'spying' on your kids? Ask yourself this question : In todays world in which EVERYTHING is available on the click of a mouse, can you afford NOT to know what your children are doing? Automatically 'backup' your work ALL THE TIME: As PC Record constantly keeps a record of what is on your screen, you will never lose your text/graphics again!

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