Secure and maintain software work! Block selected applications! Protect your personal data! Features Green list: Software added into this list will be protected from shut-down. Its work will be supervised, and if any problem (like 'not responding') occurs, it will be restarted. When Keep It Safer realize that software is not running, it will start it immediately. It is recommended that you put in this list all your personal software needed for your company or you personally to run all the time. And to be secured, in a way that any crash will restart it in a second! Yellow list: This list will contain software that should be protected from shut-down, and keep it running all the time. Unlike Green list, software work in this list will not be supervised, so software could work with problems. Red list: If there are software products that you want to forbid to start on your PC, you can add it into this list. Any starting will result in immediate closing. What could you add into this list? Well, we think that "Registry editor", "System Configuration Utility", etc. are programs that shouldn't be started by anybody, except professionals. Also, there are cases that you could forbid for your employees to start games like: "Solitaire", "Pinball", or someone else... To forbid your child to go on internet, you can add all web browsers in this list. Folder guard: Keep your folder hierarchy. If user try to rename files/folders inside of it, Keep It Safer will get back to original. If user try to add (copy/create) new file or folder, Keep It Safer will delete it. Backup: Automatically backup folder of your choice. Internal (on your PC), or external (directly on your web) are supported backup options! You can select to start this software with Windows, hide splash screen, minimize to system tray, and even protect with a password.