Exchange EDB to PST repair

Disk Analysis Utilities


PDS Microsoft Exchange EDB to PST repair is best EDB mailbox recovery software to repair EDB emails from corrupt or damaged Exchange EDB file as quickly. It extracts mailbox from the EDB file and Exchange mailbox export to PST with full information. You can quickly convert EDB file to PST to access the data exactly within few mouse handle. Exchange mailbox conversion software successfully convert Exchange to Outlook that cannot be opened due to unexpected EDB errors system failure, formatting, reinstalling etc. The tool provides a clear preview of the mailbox items Such as- Emails, contacts calendar, Notes, Attachments, Send items etc at the time. Here are we describe some important qualities of MS Exchange EDB to PST repair software- * Allows you to saving of all mailboxes items as speedily. * Easily debug all errors from EDB file and make EDB file errors free. * Migrate EDB file to PST and Exchange mailbox export to PST. * Restore deleted emails from MS Exchange EDB database. * Easily repair EDB file even file is large than 2 GB size. * Microsoft Exchange EDB to PST supported versions-5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007 & 2010. * Exchange EDB recovery tool extract emails from EDB with all objects- To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Date & Time. * Purchase FULL version Exchange EDB to PST Repair Software to save EDB to PST at USD 299 price only.


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