
File Cataloging Utilities


EverCD+ is a multi-purpose and Unicode multilingual support cataloging software for cd, dvd, album, hark disk, floppy disk and so on. It can catalog file structure,audio album,image file,compressed archive, mp3-wma-ogg tags and documents with multi-level category and integrated friendly interface support. There is no database engine or configuration needed. In addition to connecting to FREEDB for album information like Track Title, Duration, Artist, Album, Genre, Year, EverCD can read ISRC, Catalog Nbr, CD-TEXT directly from disk. For mp3-wma-ogg media files, EverCD+ can keep most tag fields as Codec, Mode, Duration, Size, Bitrate, Frequency, Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Title, Comment, Lyrics. Windows Media Played is embeded with enhanced features. Supported archive formats are: ACE, ARJ, CAB, GZ, JAR, LZH, RAR, TAR, TGZ, ZIP, SFX. EverCD+ keeps their file structure with fields like file name,size,packed size,CRC32, modified date,file comment and archive comment. When creating thumbnails for image or digi-photo files, EverCD+ can record EXIF information like Original Dimensions, Color Depth, Taken Date, Camera, F Number, Exposure Time and Program, Comment. The file structure is always taken and saved with controllable depth and file type filter. You can specify more information for cataloged disk and directory: price, location, comment, cover, and so on. Comment can also be applied to single file or folder. An embedded Open/Close device door function will make the process more convenient. EverCD+'s catalog uses unicode encoding. Functions "Export" and "Import" are for whole catalog or parts transfer, XML format is available for export. You can change the album look by providing your own stylesheet. EverCD+ can quickly search for any field, let you pick and choose specific requirements to be reported, check the statistics at any time. With EverCD+, you got to have much fun and save a lot of time as well as hardwell life.

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