Datacatch Librarian Standard Edition

File Cataloging Utilities


Finding a file, photo, archive, or backup stored on removable media including optical discs (such as CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray, HD-DVD), removable hard drives, photo memory cards, and USB keys is now as easy as searching your hard drive or the Internet. Datacatch® Librarian® automatically catalogs your removable media, capturing file and folder names, thumbnail images, and metadata. In effect, it throws a net over your computer. Whenever you attach a removable media device to your computer, or read or write to an optical disc, it automatically catches details about that removable media, and adds those details to its library. Ideal for use in the office and home, Datacatch Librarian acts as an extension to the Microsoft® Windows® Explorer file management system, enabling you to browse the names of files and folders stored on removable media in the same way as you browse files and folders stored on computer or network drives. It also provides a rich selection of tools for managing your removable media library, plus powerful search functionality to quickly locate any file, photo or other content. - Find the file you need, when you need it. Stop wasting time searching multiple removable hard drives and DVDs—simply search Datacatch Librarian. - Avoid the loss of time and effort caused by needing to re-create files or client jobs because you've lost the originals. - Track down expensive application discs when they go missing—Datacatch Librarian's Loan Manager remembers who has your discs. - Catalog your entire removable media library—Datacatch Librarian catches USB keys, removable hard drives, photo memory cards, and all types of optical discs. - Re-use your existing investment in media storage racks and towers—Datacatch Librarian is integrated with many popular commercial media storage solutions. - Satisfy legal regulations with this affordable and effective solution that tracks your archives and compliance data.

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