
Clipboard Management Tools


Capture, organize and reuse web pages, text and images, prevents you from losing the valuable information. Just as important, CaptureSaver gives you a permanent archive of the information you collect. If the original information (e.g. web pages) changes or disappears, you'll still have the information. CaptureSaver gives you one place to store information you collect, it helps you capture information in multiple ways and then organize and use it according to your needs. With only a click of your mouse or a drag-and-drop operation, CaptureSaver can save entire web pages, Emails, images, text into searchable folders right inside the browser or on your Desktop. Every information collected is saved along with its source information and other metadata such as personal comments, level of relevancy and keywords. Once information captured into CaptureSaver, you can quickly search and browse them (even when you're not connected to the Internet). And The information you save in CaptureSaver are easy to find. You can list them all, or you can search for specific pages. CaptureSaver folder can be Packaged into a deliverable Chm file, it is useful when you want to share your collection with colleagues.

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