Show date and more in your tray clock Find today's date simply looking at the tray clock. Specify what and how to display in the clock, set clock's color, size, font and background. Monitor your computer's performance with CPU and memory load indicators. 1st Clock fully supports Windows Vista and supports both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows. Never miss important moments in your life with powerful and reliable alarms and reminders (with unique unobtrusive notifications!) Set any number of one-time and recurrent alarms with custom messages, sounds, colors, fonts and icons. When alarm goes off, it displays a balloon notification near the clock for a few seconds. Click the balloon, to open the alarm. Otherwise the alarm will gently blink on your taskbar. High priority alarms display their message straight in the center of the screen. 1st Clock has been specifically designed to properly handle a multitude of alarms. You can browse, search and manage alarms, view their schedule for any period. Transfer alarms between computers using the backup and restore feature. 1st Clock never forgets your alarms. All alarms left unattended will display after the reboot. The Alarm Recycle Bin comes to the rescue if you accidentally delete an important alarm! Have a super-accurate time reference on your desktop, with extremely precise time synchronization (up to 1/50s accuracy) Adjust the time with atomic time servers either once or regularly at the specified intervals. 1st Clock queries several servers to improve the reliability and correctness. You can keep a log for later review, use proxies, and apply a custom offset to the suggested time. Synchronize time in the entire network, with the 1st Clock time server View a 1- or 2-months calendar with a single click Click the clock once to view the calendar. Find the difference between dates in two months view. Use the calendar to review and add alarms.