
Components and Libraries


XMLInspector helps developers to quickly and lightly create stable applications with human-engineered and understandable interface. The developers may concentrate on complex object modelling as XSD schemes whereas XMLInspector automatically enables them to edit the objects in a hierarchic property inspector.??Main XMLInspector features and advantages:??* Automatic generation of dialog forms. XMLInspector automatically creates dialogs and object editing forms based on XSD schemes, and enables developers to edit object properties.??* TDataSet support. XMLInspector generates XSD schemes for records of any TDataSet descendants, thus helping to quickly create database record editing dialogs.??* Robust applications. Using XML to create dialogs developers may easily change objects (add new attributes, make attributes compound and able to change their type depending on conditions, etc) without changing the program code and recompiling the application.??* Handy data import and export. The XML format simplifies data exchange between your applications.


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