North State Software

Components and Libraries


The North State Framework (NSF) is a robust, Microsoft .Net class library that simplifies creating highly-extensible, object-oriented code from a UML State Machine diagram. NSF provides true object-oriented classes that enable extensive reuse and maintainability through state machine inheritance and composition. Imagine being able to “plug” an existing state machine into another state machine, with a single line of code—that's the power of the North State Framework! NSF provides a one-to-one mapping between UML State Machine diagram elements and library classes, so the implementation is a direct translation of the design, making code creation a simple process. Together with NSF’s built-in utility classes for threading, timers, and tracing, this simplicity enables engineers to quickly and efficiently develop highly maintainable code for even the most complex state machine designs. NSF State Machine Features: - States (Simple and Composite) - Psuedo-States (Initial, Choice, Deep History, Shallow History) - Transitions (with Event Triggers, Guards, and Effects) - Events (Simple and Payload-Carrying) - Reactions (Internal Transitions) - Regions (for Concurrency) - Fork Joins (Branching and Merging based on UML Fork and Join Constructs) NSF Design Features: - Inheritance - Composition - Threading - Timers - Trace Logging - C# .Net (Contact North State Software for other languages)


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