Kellerman Gold Suite

Components and Libraries


Premier Suite of all Kellerman Software applications. Compare databases with AccessDiff. Encrypt credit cards, passwords, and files with the Encryption Library. Easily add FTP operations to your .NET application. Log to any target with the Kellerman Logger. Generate NUnit, csUnit, MbUnit, XUnit, Microsoft Unit Tests from your VB.NET or C# source code. Enhance the appearance of your WinForm application with the Themed Wizard. Increase the performance of your application with the .NET Caching Library. Validate thousands of email addresses with the .NET Email Validation Library. Transfer and tunnel with the .NET SFTP Library. Easy to use object database for .NET, Silverlight, and Windows Phone. Knight Data Access Layer with ORM and LINQ Provider for SQL Server, Access, Oracle, MySQL, VistaDB, and Firebird. Download a free trial today.

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