
Network and Internet
Network Information Tools


orangeNettrace 2005 is an easy to use network monitoring tool, which informs you about your internet traffic and CPU usage. The screenshot says it all. We produced a very useful program with an intelligent user interface, which informs you about your: > current down-, upload speed > current CPU usage > daily statistic of down-, uploads, traffic, average data orangeNettrace 2005 supports following features too: > current down-, uploads > monthly statistic down-, uploads, traffic, average data > yearly statistic down-, uploads, traffic, average data > statistic of any network card (no matter if you want to trace the internet or any other local network connection) > intelligent easy to use user interface (no need for workspace - turns transparent if not active) > scaleable live statistic > live statistic effects > automatic transfer - speed adjustment > animated trayicon (displays: current down-, upload speed, CPU usage) > live update new in release 1.50: current CPU usage, serval times faster draw engine new in release 1.60: new features (lock/unlock down and upspeed) , context menu fixed new in release 1.65: faster startup, live update added new in release 1.70: negative values in statistic fixed Read more about orangeNettrace 2005 here:

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