WebWalk is an internet browse and search utility that works with Microsoft Internet Explorer. The user can set WebWalk to save pages, links to pages, stop on pages, email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, from web sites based on criteria set by the user. The user can set a maximum of 80 text criteria. Performs six different searches. Site Data preinstalled for 27 search engines. The user can add additional search engine data. Uses Microsoft Jet database engine 4.0 to create and use access *.mdb databases and saves all user collected data in these databases. The user can load and unload databases. WebWalk is primarily concerned with urls as it is with them that it navigates and searches web sites. Consequently, it has many database tables dedicated to url storage. The user can export / import / load / filter / and navigate these urls at his / her ease. Maintains all setting across sessions so nothing is lost by shutting down and waiting till another time. WebWalk can also download, view files. Access internet resources by incrementing any number in a url. Navigates, auto navigates, searches urls, any urls, it can find them within search result pages, the user can drag n drop them into the Manual list windows, load them from a text file, load them from the WebWalk database or another access database. Provides over 400 user controls and 10 or more pop up menus to provide an exhaustive set of functionality.