WebBank Pro

Network and Internet
URL and Bookmark Managers


Manage, categorize, and annotate your Bookmarks/Favorites/URLs! Access them quickly from thecolor-coded 'tree' display or using powerful searchcapabilities. Create with 'drag and drop', easy entry,or import from Internet Explorer or NetscapeNavigator. Powerful editing capabilities, includingthe ability to locate duplicate URLs or re-categorizemultiple URLs in one step. The multi-purposecapability allows you to access Internet resources(Web pages, FTP servers and files, News Groups);launch local applications, documents, or folders; orcreate e-mail messages. Provides an effectivealternative to the Windows program menu for yourfrequent operations. Easily use your collection onmultiple computers. Share with others using thepowerful import/export capabilities. With WebBank Pro,you can also create and use personal and protectedworkgroup collections concurrently, allowing theeffective, ongoing joint use of information withoutthe cost of maintaining it many times.

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