
Network and Internet
Misc Networking Tools


HandyCafe is the best solution for your cybercafe. Written by the author of EasyCafe. You can take the full control of your computers/customers. Firewall option enables you to restrict Web sites, connections and to filter Web sites (content-filtering). You can create different operator levels for your each cashier. You are not supposed to change any network or computer settings for installation. Server and Clients auto detect each other. Remote management option enables you to control client desktop from server. You can also browse client computer without network sharing. You can create your own language file (Multi-language support). You can set advanced restrictions or application restrictions, create members, track bytes received/sent, get reports, pause/resume time, create multiple pricing for members, control timers (PlayStation, Chess, Back Gammon etc.), control cafeteria, wakeup/shutdown/reboot all computers, get screenshots, etc. You can manage your Internet cafe with ease.


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