
Multimedia and Graphics
Screen Capture Tools


WinStructor is a screen-capture application, which cancapture parts of the computer screen at regularintervals, and save the picture sequence in differentformats (AVI, FLI, FLC, JPG and BMP). WinStructor canbe used for many tasks, including: Instructionalvideos (where a task or feature in a program isdemonstrated. WinStructor can even record your spokeninstructions from a microphone, while capturing theactions on screen), Demonstrating how to set a certainproperty in the control panel, Capturing a sequence ofhow you do a certain task (when it's impossible totell the support staff at a company, how you got thatproblem). The output of WinStructor is commonly storedas an AVI movie, which can be played by any Windows95/98 PC and any Windows 3.1 PC with Video for Windowsinstalled.

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