V2F Video to Flash converter

Multimedia and Graphics
Video and Animation Tools


V2F is an EZ to use program for converting your .AVI, .MOV, .MPG & .MPEG Digital video to .SWF format...ready for the web! or Ready to import into Flash, Live Motion & SWiSH v2! It also converts .JPG, .GIF, .BMP & .PNG to .SWF Installation?...Unzip the file to your Desktop & Its ready to run! Instructions?...#1 Browse for your video file #2 V2F will convert your video sound by default, You can add an external sound file if you choose? #3 Choose your Framerate & Compression settings #4 Click Generate! #5 Now you can View or Save your converted video! Its that simple! Limitations: The trial version saves your .swf's with a watermark & you cannot import the trial version .swf's into Flash.

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