GenieSys Doldrums

Multimedia and Graphics
MIDI Players and Editors


GenieSys Doldrums v1.0 MIDI OPT plug-in works with Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 4.0 and other software that supported YAMAHA Open Plug-in Technology Level 3. Doldrums intended for MIDI drums tuning. You can perform next operations with MIDI drums: - Exclude one or several drums from source MIDI data. - Calculate and tune middle velocity of each drum. - Resize scale of velocity range for each drum. - Randomize of velocity for each drum. - Change all drums to any other drums. - Replace drum event with chain of drum's fill-ins. - Add the accent by means of periodical velocity template. It's as drums drive wave! GenieSys Doldrums works in two modes: - Real-time filter. In this case Doldrums acts upon output playback queue only. You can hear the result of transformation and tune current parameters. - Off-Line mode. When you press "Apply" button, Doldrums performs source data transformation in accordance with current parameters. Then you can take off Doldrums or use "Undo" command in ACID main program's menu. Have a nice drum!

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