
Multimedia and Graphics
Misc Sound Tools


The most advanced instrument tuner on the PC just got better! Throughout the world, G-tune has gained an enviable reputation as the most accurate, and advanced instrument tuner available on the PC. As a result, it is widely used by novices, hobbyists, and professionals alike. From students learning how to play violin, to corporations and small businesses creating unique and beautiful musical instruments, G-tune has become an indispensable tool. G-tune automatically measures the pitch of your instrument using a unique high-accuracy algorithm (0.01Hz measurement resolution from 30Hz to 5500Hz). Use G-tune’s frequency meter, oscilloscope and realtime spectrum analyser to correctly set-up electric guitars, to tune acoustic instruments, and to train your singing voice. Fast, accurate and easy-to-use, G-tune runs under Windows9x/NT/2000/XP with any windows-compatible sound card. It’s the must-have accessory for professional and amateur musicians. Version 2 includes many new features including real-time Pitch-to-MIDI and real-time graphical pitch display.


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