AllMySongs Database is a music library for managing and cataloging music files and AudioCD. Supports MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, FLAC e.t.c music files formats. You can easily find any song from your music collection according to title, album, artist, genre e.t.c. or any complex conditions. Also, with AllMySongs Database powerful tools you can download automatically from internet album covers, artists photos, artists biography, AudioCD information. Features: -Automatically search and add all your music files scanning your disk folders. -Automatical recognition of AudioCD. -Automatically imports tag information of MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC files. -Tool to automatically download and store album covers. -Tool to automatically download and store artists photo. -Tool to automatically download and store artists biography. -Tool to automatically download and store track lyrics. -View/Edit Title, Artist, Album, Composer, Genre e.t.c. -Create playlists for your favorite music player. -Play music files/AudioCD. -Save differents views. -Easily sort your database according to Artists/Album/Title/Year/File Format/Genre/e.t.c. -Rename your files according to Artist/Album/Title/Year/Genre. -Advanced search for helping you find any songs. -Quick Filter for apply easily database filter. What's new in version 2.0: -Time to load tracks to list optimized. Increase speed about 400%. -Added playlist, feature to save and load different playlists. -New feature to replace track's path. -New program Interface. -New feature to choose artist photo from multiple images. -Added feature to manage visible list fields. -Database updated. -Download artists photo, album cover, biography, tracks lyrics updated. -Advanced Search updated. -Fixed bug with FLAC files. -Fixed issue with Network Drives. -Fixed issue with automatically recognition of AudioCD from FreeDB. -Minor bugs fixed.