Acloon VideoViewer

Multimedia and Graphics
Multi-Purpose Player and Editors


The Right Click Video Viewer + Audio and Image Viewer. Acloon VideoViewer 2.5, the fastest, most powerful, and easiest-to-use video, audio and image viewer available for Windows! A simple, effective, video, audio or image viewer 'add-on' for any standard window (where there is list of files, for example: Windows Explorer, File Save dialog, File Open dialog, File Import / Export, Desktop and other). Simply right click on an video, audio or image file to instantly view a thumbnail preview and file information. Acloon VideoViewer 2.5 digital video and imaging software offers support for 23 popular video formats, 7 popular image formats and 15 popular audio formats! Support formats: Video: mpg, mpeg, mpe, m1v, mp2, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, mov, avi, fli, flc, cel, gif, avi, dat, asf, asx, wm, vod, wmv, wvx, ivf. Image: bmp, jpg, jpe, jpeg, gif, ico, cur. Audio: mp3, m3u, wav, snd, au, aif, aiff, aifc, mov, qt, wma, wax.


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