Manage Your Books 98

Information Management
Book Collection Managers


Feature-packed easy-to-use program to organize andmanage your personal, club, school or business library.Tracks borrowers and due dates. Includes a comprehensive but easy-to-use query/search system that allows you to find just the book or list of books you want. The query system is fully integrated with the report system. The report system includes eight reports and a full featured print preview system. Each entry is automatically indexed by Title, Author, Subject, Book#, Catalog#,Book Type and Catalog#. Additional fields include Subject 2 & 3, Volume, Edition, Issue, Year, Pages, Book#, Catalog#,ISBN, Rating, Publisher, Location, Purchase Price, Current Price, Purchase Date, Where Purchased, Condition, High and Low Market Value, Note1, Note2 and a 64k memo field. Data can be quickly listed by any of the seven index fields by simply selecting one of the browse tabs. ASCII import/export with full backup/restore.


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