
Card Games


RoboBridge is software that simulates one to three human bridge players. It allows you to play some boards whenever you have some time left. The robots provide a very high level of play, so you will be trained to always play your best bridge. RoboBridge lets you compose your own convention card. Possible base cards to choose from: Acol, Standard American, SAYC, 2 over 1. Customize these cards with over 50 conventions: Stayman, Jacoby, Multi-Landy, Checkback Stayman, RKC, DOPI-ROPI, Puppet Stayman, Truscott, Multi, Flannery, Fourth Suit Forcing, Negative double, Support double, Support cue, .... Practised enough and ready for some tough competition? Join the online butler competition and compare your results with those of all other contenders.


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