Missing Letters

Word Games


Missing Letters is 11 games in 1 word game using English and American spelling. Features - Auto free updates. - Online highest score table. - Over 54,000 words in the offline database. - Online check to mutiple big online dictionary sites. - Auto save for your score and progress. - 5 Different graphic themes to choose from. - Addictive & fun games for any word game enthusiast. - 232 challenges to complete the 'Almost impossible 100% Mini Games challenge' - 11 Different games to play & more to come. Including classic games:- - Anagrams - Word Master Mind - Highest Scrabble score 4 interesting new variations of Anagrams. - Every Other Letter - First & Last - Wordgrams - Multigrams Can you find words that contain more than one of the same letter? Do you know a word that contains 4 E's? answer 64 questions in this game. - Multiple Letters Are you good with your latin origin? Can find 72 words that end ible? - The #ibles's And the main game Missing Letters with 2 versions.

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