A sixth coloring book program with 5 train loads of pictures to color! Each train car has a different picture on it for the numbers 1-10. The 50 pictures included with the complete version are Tiger, Turtles, Crocodiles, Chickens, Dogs, Balls, Monkeys, Ducks, Butterflies, Sand Castles, Lion, Snakes, Ostriches, Dragon Heads, Hippos, Earthworms, Fish, Bats, Flowers, Animals, Cat, Whale & Fish, Tanks, Bears, Rabbits, Cows, Snails, Caterpillars, Moon & Stars, Moles, Wolf, Elephants, Jester Masks, Giraffes, Hedgehogs, Pyramids, Clouds, Penguins, Balloons, Mushrooms, Rhinoceros, Snowmen, Airplanes, Trees, Pigs, Ghosts, Blocks, Clothes, Ladybugs, and Sheep. Published by Dataware.